Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Wacky Wednesday -- Your Cup of Christmas Cheer for 12/21/11

Christmas is so close that I can almost taste it!!! 

I just might be starting to get into the holiday spirit.  I've talked to quite a few people lately, and I am glad to know that I'm not the only one who can't seem to be cheery about the holidays.  I know once Christmas Eve and Christmas Day finally get here, I'll be okay.  After all, I get to spend time with my family and Brett's family, eat some yummy food, celebrate the birth of Jesus, and oh, yeah...PRESENTS!!

I'll get started with some Christmas cartoons in a second, but I just want to give a special "shout out" to Brett, my fiance.  You see, nine years ago today, he and I had our first date!  We've been through a lot in the past nine years, but I can't think of anyone else that I would rather have endured what I have with!  

I love you, Brett!!!

 I hope you enjoy this "Cup of Christmas Cheer".  Because it is SO close to Christmas, I've jam-packed this entry with more Christmas humor than EVER BEFORE!!!  So once again, sit back with your drink of choice (mine is water at the moment), prop your feet up, and prepare to giggle, snort, chuckle, or whatever it is you do when you think something is funny! 
And now....on with the "show"!!

"Dear Santa, If you leave a new bike under the tree, I will give you the antidote to the poison I put in the milk....Timmy."


"The Mental Christmas Choir"

Gotta LOVE Maxine!!

I Just Know That This is On EVERYONE'S Wish List This Year!!!

"Let me explain the nose job procedure."

And finally...a picture of our Christmas tree....

Hey! I told you that Brett and I hadn't been able to quite get into the "Christmas Spirit"!

Merry Christmas, everyone!!!
And That's What Sarah Says!!!

Saturday, December 17, 2011

Win a $10 Amazon Gift Card at Kindle Tips & Tricks

If you visit  Kindle Tips & Tricks' page on Facebook, you can enter to win a $10 Amazon Gift Card!

Click here to visit their page on Facebook & enter!

And That's What Sarah Says!!!

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

A Cup of Christmas Cheer -- Wacky Wednesday Style!!

Christmas is less than two weeks away, and for once I won't be rushing around at the last minute trying to find "the perfect present" for that one family member who has everything.  That's right, just a couple of hours ago, Brett and I finished buying presents for everyone on our list!! 

We're still having a hard time getting into the Christmas spirit though.  We've both been sick with colds, sinus infections, and just the "Winter Blahs", so we haven't even decorated any.  Plus, we aren't sure how Charlie would do with ornaments on a Christmas tree since he's VERY inquisitive these days.  He has to inspect EVERYTHING that comes through the front door...and I mean EVERYTHING!!!

Having said that, I wanted to share some more Christmas cartoons/funnies with you, my faithful readers!!!  So, once again, sit back, get a cup of your favorite drink, whether it be some egg nog (yum!), coffee (yes, please), hot chocolate (I like mine with LOTS of marshmallows), or a "grown up drink" (I'll let you fill in the blank with your favorite here ______________) and prepare to laugh, giggle, or snort the Christmas Blues away!!!

An oldie, but a goodie:

I know a lot of people who have an "Elf on the Shelf".  This one is for them:

And finally...THIS is why I STILL believe in Santa:

Believe it or not, I still have quite a few more Christmas cartoons to share with you, so stay tuned!!!

And That's What Sarah Says!!!

Saturday, December 10, 2011

'Tis the Love Chicken Poop?? I Love It!

A few months ago, I posted a story about a brand of chap stick called Chicken Poop Lip Junk. You can read my original post here.

Well, readers, since posting my original post, I have tried Chicken Poop and I absolutely love it! 

It makes my lips feel soft, and there's an ingredient (I'm not sure what it is) that makes my lips "tingle".  I always have some sort of chap stick with me, because I have dry lips.  Nowadays, I make sure that my purse ALWAYS has a tube of Chicken Poop in it.  I can't emphasize how great this product is!

I have given tubes of the original Chicken Poop to people as gifts, and it's always good for a laugh or two.

I highly recommend getting some for stocking stuffers this Christmas season.

You can find this product at stores like Tractor Supply or Rural King.  If you don't have one of these stores nearby, sells it.  You can also visit Chicken Poop Lip Junk's website by clicking here

If you look at their website, you can see what other silly products are available.  I'm interested in trying "La Chick Poo Poo"...their chap sticks with color.

If anyone wants to send me some of this stuff for Christmas, I wouldn't mind!!!

And That's What Sarah Says!!!

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

[REPLAY] Have a "Cup of Christmas Cheer"....On Me!!!

One of my favorite Christmas movies is "Elf" with Will Ferrell.  One of the most remembered quotes (and one of just a few of my favorites from the movie is this:

"The best way to spread Christmas Cheer, is singing loud for all to hear!"

That is what I want to do in this blog post!

Recently, I've come in contact with people who are "Scrooges" and could use some Christmas cheer!  In the hopes of making you, my readers, giggle, smile, or even smirk a little, I have searched the internet for some cartoons to share.

It's okay to smile or giggle every once in a while, even if you have to do it when nobody is watching (we wouldn't want to ruin our "tough guy/gal" reputations, would we?).

So, just grab a cup of coffee, hot chocolate, or whatever your drink of choice may be (wine, whiskey, beer), and scroll down the page and have a few laughs and/or giggles on me!

Consider it an early Christmas present from me to you!!!

Dear Santa:  Bring me what I want for Christmas or Prancer and Dancer are next.

"Gift tax evasion.  How about you?"

This is only a sampling of my "Christmas Cheer" that I have to share!  Be sure to check back often, as I will be finding more "Holiday Hilarity" for you!!!

And That's What Sarah Says!!!