Saturday, October 11, 2014

A "Friend"ly Post...Thank You For Being a Friend!

I suffer from depression and sporadic anxiety/panic attacks.  Just within the last few years have I accepted that I have these and sought out help from my doctor.  She subsequently put me on medicine and gave me some ideas about how to keep these things "in check".
Some days are better than others with my ability to keep my depression and anxiety under control.

I know that people reading this might find this hard to believe, because I try to be happy all of the time and am quite good at masking or covering up that I am depressed.

Whether they know it or not, some of my friends have been a tremendous help and blessing to me lately as I have been in a  "funk".  That is the best way that I know how to describe it. The last few days, maybe even a week now, have been REALLY hard on me for reasons I don't exactly know.  Well, that's not entirely's a bunch of different things and situations.  I won't bore you readers with the reasons, but let's just say I've been thrown some crazy curve balls by life lately.   I wouldn't have been able to cope as well as I have without the help of my friends and/or family...most of which I keep in contact with on Facebook.

Facebook has allowed me to make and meet many friends over the years that I've been a part of the "Facebook craze".

Some friends I know in real life, some I know through my eBay days where I sold vintage postcards, some I've met through other friends, some friends are family or people that I consider my family, some I've met through the many many groups that I belong to where we share a common ground (i.e. reading books, our love of Disney, or something else).  Some of the friends that I didn't know in real life when we met on Facebook, I have since met or have talked with on the phone, sent text messages back and forth, and even video chatted (either via Skype or by Face Time).  I have also sent things like cards or small tokens of my appreciation to a few people that I have met through Facebook. Facebook has allowed me to reconnect with friends from my school days, my days when I was still working, and even people from my childhood.  I am so grateful for Facebook.  There are still quite a few people that I know through Facebook or other social media outlets for that matter, that I hope one day to meet in person.

Earlier tonight, I was sitting here all depressed when I received a sweet message privately from a person that I know through another friend.  This person sent me just a picture of a person being hugged with the words, "Thought of you with this".  This person barely knows me and we've only chatted a handful of times, but somehow, they sensed that I could use a little "pick-me-up".  Upon seeing the message (and even right now), I teared up at this person's thoughtfulness.  They took the time to send me a message and while it made me cry because I was so touched, it also made me realize that when I think that I am alone, I'm really not.  This is not the only time that someone has reached out to me and made me feel wanted, but I felt the need to night to share this.

I just want to tell everyone reading this, "Thank You".  Thank you for reaching out to me.  I might not express it very well, but I really do appreciate messages of encouragement or really messages of any kind.  It makes me feel special.  I only hope that I am able to do the same to some people at some point.

I'm going to close with this recording that I did a few years ago.  It sums up pretty well how I feel about all of my friends and family.

And That's What Sarah Says!!!

Sunday, September 28, 2014

Doing the 100 Days of Happiness Challenge....AGAIN? Plus Some More Stuff!!

Once again, I have gone for a long period of time without doing a blog post.  I would like to say that I've been busy in real life, but that's not 100% true.

In my last post, I talked about doing a "100 Days of Happiness" challenge.  If you're not familiar with this challenge, you can read about it here.  I would like to say that I was able to post for 100 days, but for some reason, I was unable to.  I think that I made it to day #85, though.

Well, I have decided to give it another go, because one of my good friends is also starting it again and has asked me to do it along with him.

So far, I am on day #7, and I think the way he figured it, we will post our day #100 on New Year's Eve.  That's kind of cool, I think.  It will be neat to "close out" the year with 100 days of happy.  At least I think so.

If you're interested in taking part in this challenge, here's what you do:

1)  Go here and sign the pledge.
2)  Choose your platform for submitting your pictures.  Here you can decide yourself on the privacy of your participation & happy moments.
3)  Submit your pictures via Instagram, Facebook, or Twitter. Don't forget to use the hashtag #100HappyDays !

****Your #100HappyDays picture can be anything from a meet-up with a friend to a very tasty cake in the nearby coffee place, from a feeling of being at home after a hard day to a favor you did to a stranger.

#100happyday challenge is for you - not for anyone else.

It is not a happiness competition or a showing off contest. If you try to please / make others jealous via your pictures - you lose without even starting. Same goes for cheating.****  

To see what makes me happy or what I am happy for, you can follow me on Instagram where I go by "SuperSillySarah" (without the quotes, though) or on Facebook, I can be found by clicking here.  What I share on Instagram automatically gets posted to Facebook.

I know that this post was kind of a repeat of my previous post, but don't worry, I have some great posts coming soon!! You don't want to miss them!! 

How about some teasers of what's to come in the near future?  

  • I have found an awesome piece of exercise equipment for people that are wheelchair bound or bed bound because of injury, disease, etc.
  • I'm going to do a blog post about our trip to Schaumburg, Illinois earlier this year for the Abilities Expo.  
  • My views on a few things in the news.
  • And even more fun stuff!!!   

And That's What Sarah Says!!!

Wednesday, April 16, 2014

100 Days of Happy -- Can YOU Do It?!?!?

After a few days of seeing some friends of mine post pictures with the hashtag #100HappyDays in the description, my interest was piqued.  I like to think of myself as a person that is "is in the know" about things like this, but I wasn't this time.

After I typed "100 Happy Days" into Google, I found quite a few articles about it and was further interested.  To read the official page/information about this challenge, you can go here, but in a nutshell, it's a daily challenge to document things that make you happy.  It's a pretty easy challenge, huh?  I think so!

I'm only on day #2, but so far, I am loving this challenge.  Check with me toward the end of the 100 days when I'm having trouble being thankful for things that I haven't already posted.

Please join me in this challenge!

Here's how:

1)  Go here and sign the pledge.
2)  Choose your platform for submitting your pictures.  Here you can decide yourself on the privacy of your participation & happy moments.
3)  Submit your pictures via Instagram, Facebook, or Twitter. Don't forget to use the hashtag #100HappyDays !

That's all you have to do!

So, now you're probably thinking to yourself, "Why would I want to take part in this challenge?"  To this I say, "What have you got to lose?  Everyone needs to be reminded that there are things all around to make us happy.  Below are just a few reasons:

Still not on board?

How about some musical inspiration!  "Happy" by Pharrell Williams has been quite popular over the last several weeks, and after listening to it, I can definitely see why.  Just try to listen to it and not smile or tap your feet.  It's quite hard if not impossible to do!

I was trying to find the video of another song to motivate you called "Happy", but it's by a Christian artist, Carolyn Arends.  I couldn't find the video (maybe there isn't one for this particular song), but I DID find the lyrics:

Do I annoy you with my optimism?
Am I an insult to your realism?
I got hope and just a little bit of passion
And I know both those things have gone right out of fashion
So call me a rebel, you can call me a fool
I won't give up the fight, I just refuse

And I will dare to dream
I will dare to believe in something, baby
And I will dare to be happy
And I will dare to be happy

Does it offend you that I've made that decision?
Does it betray your sense of fatalism?
Please forgive me but I don't believe it's treason
For me to live my life like it's mine for a reason
So call me Pollyanna, you can call me a child
But I will not lie down, that's not my style

And I will dare to dream
I will dare to believe in something, baby
And I will dare to be happy
And I will dare to be happy

Do I annoy you with my stubborn insistence?
That love can save us and I've seen its existence
I got Jesus and a little bit of passion
And I know both those things have gone right out of fashion
So you can call me crazy 'cause here's what
I'm gonna do, I'm gonna dare to pray the same for you

And I will dare to dream
I will dare to believe in something, baby
And I will dare to be happy
And I will dare to be happy

I will dare to dream
I will dare to believe in something, baby
And I will dare to be happy
And I will dare to be happy
Yeah, I will dare to be happy

Are you worried that things that make you happy aren't worthy of sharing?  Pssh!  Don't be that way!  For my Day 1 "happy picture", I shared a picture of my iPad Air!  It makes me happy because it keeps me entertained whether it be playing games, checking out other cool apps, or even reading books on it. Shh! Don't tell my Kindle!  There are really no rules to this challenge other than to post and share things that make YOU happy!

****Your #100HappyDays picture can be anything from a meet-up with a friend to a very tasty cake in the nearby coffee place, from a feeling of being at home after a hard day to a favor you did to a stranger.

#100happyday challenge is for you - not for anyone else.

It is not a happiness competition or a showing off contest. If you try to please / make others jealous via your pictures - you lose without even starting. Same goes for cheating.**** 

To see what makes ME happy, you can follow me on Instagram where I go by "SuperSillySarah" (without the quotes, though) or on Facebook, I can be found by clicking here.  What I share on Instagram automatically gets posted to Facebook.

If you decide to take part in this challenge (even if you don't make it the whole 100 days), please let me know!! I wanna see what makes YOU happy!!

Please join me on this "road to happiness", won't you? 

And That's What Sarah Says!!!!