Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Let's Talk About Paula Deen, Shall We?

You won't see me giving an opinion very often, but today, I wanted to talk about one of my favorite "Southern Women", Paula Deen. 

The "Southern Belle"

Unless you have been living under a rock or something like that, you probably know that Paula Deen has been the topic of many a news story lately.

Lisa Jackson, a former employee of restaurants owned by Deen and her brother, Earl "Bubba" Hiers, filed a lawsuit alleging racial and sexual discrimination. In her deposition for the suit, Deen stated that she has used the "N-word" at times, saying "Yes, of course. But that's just not a word that we use as time has gone on. Things have changed since the '60s in the south."

Because of this, Deen's contract with Food Network will not be renewed at the end of this month.  As of yesterday, Smithfield Foods dropped her as a spokesperson.

And now, my thoughts (in no certain order):

  •  Haven't we all said something before that we might regret now?  I know that I have!
  •  At least Paula isn't denying that she said the word. 
  • I have a feeling that Food Network will regret dropping Paula, and rightfully so.  She's one of the biggest stars/moneymakers for that network!
  • As for Smithfield Foods, it is rumored that they're in talks to be bought out by a Chinese company, so if I were Paula, I wouldn't sweat that one!
  •  Because of Paula's background story (overcoming Agoraphobia), she has inspired many people. I know one of my good friends is inspired by her because of this.
  •  I (along with many of my Facebook friends) have joined a few of the support pages that have been created in support of "Miss Paula". Here is one titled, "We support Paula Deen".
  • Sure, she hid the fact that she had Diabetes from the public, but I don't go announcing to the world every single ailment or disease that I have.  
  •  I understand that she was being somewhat of a hypocrite by cooking foods that weren't very "Diabetes Friendly", but again, we all make mistakes.  At least she finally admitted that she had Diabetes.
  • It seems to me that there is a double standard going on here.  What about all of the so-called rap artists and movie producers that use that kind of language every single day? Do we ever hear anybody condemning them for any of their language use?  Not like this, we don't!
  • A word only has "power to hurt" if we let it.  Remember the sayings "Sticks & stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me" or  "I'm rubber, you're glue, everything bounces off me and sticks to you."  My favorite is best said by Mr. Pee Wee Herman, "I know you are, but what am I!?!?"
  • We need to stop giving words like the "N-word", "cracker", and "honky" power to be hurtful. 
These are only my opinions/thoughts on this whole situation.  You may or may not agree with me.  It's like one of my best friend's dad always told us when we were growing up, "Opinions are like butt holes...everyone has one!"  

Don't we have bigger things to worry about than to worry about a person's past words.  Paula has already apologized. What else can she do?  The racial slur was said in the past and she regrets it!  

Let's move on!

P.S. I welcome anyone's opinion on this topic, so feel free to comment below!

Yes, She Does!!

Even "Grumpy Cat" Supports Paula!!

And That's What Sarah Says!!!

Monday, June 10, 2013

Wow, It's Been a While!!!

So, I just noticed that my last post to this blog was August of last year! Whoops!!

I'd like to say that I've been busy with exciting things, but that's not entirely true.  Well, unless you count having surgery and some trips (one to Disney World) "exciting"!

Since doing a post, I've had a long awaited surgery done.  This surgery was to fuse my right ankle in the hopes to be one step closer to walking again.  Next up...hip replacements!  *cue my excitement*

Brett and I have also done some traveling.  We made a trip to Florida in March for 3 weeks. One week was just Brett and I at Walt Disney World, then the following week, Brett's parents joined us along with Brett's niece and nephews.  The third week was spent in Gainesville at Brett's brother's house just relaxing and resting up for the trip home.  I have lots of pictures from this trip that I hope to share in an upcoming post.

As I have done for the last couple of years, I made a personal challenge to read a certain amount of books before the end of the year.  I have many book loaded on my Kindle to read, but just haven't felt like reading lately.  However, I am going to try to wean myself from spending the majority of my time on Facebook wasting time playing games and stuff and instead try to read more.

I will be attempting this later today and hopefully, I can do it.  I made a goal to read 200 books before the end of the year, and am nowhere near being halfway to that point!!

I will be sure to keep my progress posted here as a way to be held accountable.  Right now, I am reading, This Little Piggy Went To The Liquor Store by A.K. Turner.  I'm not very far into the book yet, but so far, it is pretty funny.

Well, that's about all that I can think of to tell y'all at this time.

I am hoping to be more committed to blogging in the future. Lord knows that I have a lot on my mind these days that maybe I should start sharing some of the things!!

And That's What Sarah Says!!!