I've been slacking on showing off the samples that I've sent off for and then received. I've received so many samples in the last few weeks, that I don't want to overload just one entry with pictures, nor do I want to overwhelm you, dear reader, so I've decided to break pictures of my samples into two entries.
I've put a brief description of what samples are being shown below the picture.
A sample of Prilosec OTC
A sample of Tampico Lemon & Herb seasoning -- This stuff tasted so good on some steak that Brett grilled a few weeks ago, and then he grilled some pork steaks for dinner last night and used the remainder of the mix on those steaks. I'm not a big "lemon flavor" fan, but this mix was very tasty on the steaks!
ZONE Cashew Peanut bar -- Pretty much right after this picture was taken, I ate the bar and it was VERY yummy!
A Sample of Head & Shoulders Thicker Hair shampoo for Men |
A Coupon for a FREE Bag of Ore-Ida Sweet Potato Fries! -- We have gotten our free bag, but have yet to eat them. When we finally eat them, I'll be sure to let you know what we thought of them! | |
Four (4) packets of Penetran+ Plus -- This is a pain relief cream that boasts relief from Arthritis pain, Bursitis, Bug Bites, Sunburn, Neuropathy, and Backaches. It also says it doesn't have an overpowering odor. Instead, it has a pleasant lemon scent. |
A Sample of Folgers Special Blend Coffee -- Brett made this the other morning, and it made a whole pot. This was a much needed sample, as we were out of coffee that morning, which around here is a very bad thing!
A FREE issue of Family Circle magazine -- I THOUGHT it was just for one issue, but I've since received another issue. I wonder how many FREE issues I'll receive? | |
A Free Atkins Diet Kit that includes: (1) Atkins Comprehensive Carb Counter and Acceptable Food Lists, (1) Atkins Chef Recipe Booklet, (1) Atkins Quick-Start Guide, and (3) Atkins Snack Bars (three different flavors) -- Brett ate one of these bars when I ate the above pictured ZONE bar, and he said it was good, but REALLY salty. |
That's it for this entry on sampling. I didn't spend much time at all requesting these samples. It just takes a few minutes to enter your e-mail address, mailing information, etc. I've gotten quite good at doing this over the past couple of months though. Somehow, it is all worth it when the mail carrier shows up at your mailbox with an armload of free samples! Look out for the second part of this post where I show off some more of my free samples.
Stay tuned.....
And That's What Sarah Said!!!
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