Thursday, January 5, 2012

2012 "Resolutions" & Tying Up Some Loose Ends From 2011!

We're five days into 2012, and I'm just now giving some thought into my New Year's Resolutions.  I usually don't do resolutions, per say, but this year, I figured that there were some things in my life that needed changing.  Some of these things are a result of things that I didn't get done last year. With that being said, here is what I'm going to TRY and resolve to do this year. 

  • I Plan To Blog More -- I feel that blogging is somewhat therapeutic for me, but I just don't like sitting still long enough to do a full blog entry.  I think last  year I got "burnt out" on blogging, and that resulted in me not telling you readers about all of Ollie the Otter's adventures and how I was coming along with some of my other projects like my "Knot-a-Quilt" (it's mostly unfinished) and my reading challenge to read 100 books (I accomplished that goal with a couple of weeks to spare before the new year).  I've also decided to do another blog where I find free books for Kindle devices and list them for people to find.  What's the website?  Well, I'm SO glad that you asked!!! It is .  There are so many good books that are FREE on, and I wanted to make sure that people knew that they didn't need to pay money for them.  Feel free to check the website out if you have a Kindle device.  I'm working on finding information on the Nook freebies, so that I can share that information as well.
  •  Finish My Crafting Projects -- I kind of touched on this in my previous resolution, but I'll expand on it here.  I have my "Knot-a-Quilt" project that I started back in June of last year. Click here to see the post where I promised you readers that I would keep you updated on the progress of this quilt.  I haven't really made any progress on this quilt (I've got MAYBE 3 squares "knotted" together), but I want to finish this quilt so that it can be used by someone.  I also started making potholders (the ones like kids make on the plastic loom) because I find that it is therapeutic for my hands and fingers.  Right now, I've got one on the plastic loom just waiting for me to finish the edges.  I had hoped to give some of my "masterpieces" away with Christmas gifts, but I didn't get enough of them done.  I hope to change that for next year, though.

  •  I Want To Be More Responsible With Money -- I need to learn to be more frugal with my income, so that Brett and I can do more fun things.  Not that we don't do fun stuff already, but if we saved up our money instead of "blowing it" on needless things, then we could plan a trip to Disney World.  I'm SO ready to go back to Disney World.  I think I could live there!
  •  I Need To Have a More Positive Outlook On Things -- There is too much negativity in the world without me adding to it.  I try to keep positive in pretty much everything that I do, but some days, it's just almost impossible to do.  I want to change that.  Negativity isn't good for me, nor is it good for the people who are around me.
  • I Want To TRY & Eat Better -- Notice how I didn't say that I wanted to "lose weight"?  Pretty sneaky of me, huh? ;)  I know that is probably one of the biggest "New Year's Resolutions" that is made and is probably the biggest one that is broken too.  That's why I worded this resolution the way that I did.  I'm thinking if I eat better (less fast food), then maybe I will lose some weight, which is something that I DEFINITELY need to do!

The toughest part of a diet isn't watching what you's watching what other people eat! 

  • I Want To Read More -- This isn't really a resolution, it's more of a goal.  I LOVE to read, so this shouldn't be too hard for me to accomplish.  Last year, I set a personal goal to read one hundred books before the end of the year.  As I mentioned above, I was able to accomplish that goal with a couple of weeks to spare. I actually went above my goal and read almost 105 books!  I started that goal in April of last year, so I figured that since I was starting at the beginning of the year, I would up my goal to 250 books.  I've already read two books, so I think that I should be able to accomplish this year's goal.  In keeping with my first "resolution", I will possibly do a review of a book that I read to let you readers know if it is worth reading or not.
These are my "resolutions" (I hate that word!) for 2012.  What are yours? 

Side note about Ollie the Otter:

I was going through Ollie's things the other day (just tidying up), and came across some pictures that he failed to show me of his adventures last year.  In the coming days and weeks, I will be sure to share these pictures with you, as well as pictures from his more recent adventures.  I wonder what he will be up to this year, don't you? Stay Tuned!!!

Oh, and don't worry, this year, I'm sure that I will have plenty of stories, pictures, and videos of "Charlie, our ADHD Dog"!!

And That's What Sarah Says!!!

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